I am here for you.

I want to know what challenges you face and what lights you up.

I want us to be open, transparent & vulnerable. All qualities that really help us connect.

What does this life mean to you? Are you living to your fullest?

Why not? What’s in the way? What have you not realized about your potential yet?

If you are ready to connect deeply to your soul in both painful and profoundly beautiful ways, then let’s connect over some tea as 2 friends having a meaningful chat.

I will arrive with an open heart and a desire to connect to who you really are.

How will you arrive? Will you show up exactly as you are now? Nothing to fix, solve or hide. Simply present to whats stands before you?

Let our heart & spirit guide us on our journey to wholeness. Not happiness. No if you think its about feeling good all the time, thats not it. We must face and include our shadows. I know thats not what we have been told. We have been forced away from our full truth. Which only brings on a deeper unimaginable hurt.  This path will lead you to more love though. And that love will hold all of what you need face within in order to be alive again.

I am on the path to deepening my connection to my most essential Self or soul. There are many names for this & essentially it is the one who observes the content of life. From the seat of the observer I connect to my spirit and align with who I really am. Through this awakening journey I have overcome so much self doubt, shame & disconnection. To where I am now on my path and purpose towards serving others towards self liberation & freedom within. I am a trained psychosynthesis practitioner & guide. I use this pathway to help you face the shadow and light within. This path guides us back to wholeness. My vision is to help others navigate the complex inner psyche & live life fully, more alive and in alignment with purpose & self liberation. I am also a trained sacred spaces facilitator. A deep passion of mine is to sit in intentionally designed spaces for the purpose of deep connection to ourselves & others. I design spaces with the work I do to create ceremony, healing, connection and practical tools that assist us with making real change in our lives. I am a creative conduit of spirit, I am here to help you live more fully in this life. My life is spent deep in the mystic path & the reclamation of the feminine nature. Balancing & harmonizing to align with the frequencies of nature. Meaning, diving deep into myself and healing wounds that keep me from living in harmony with life. I am for those who are ready for self empowerment, embodiment, and the full rapture of being alive. Which can be a hard truth knowing it always comes with pain, mystery & chaos. Equally it comes with love, beauty, joy & deep peace. I am also a living sky astrologer who uses the current energies to tap into divine potential for growth. This is not what people think of as tropical astrology. Rather a progressive placement of the planets to assist us on our transformational healing journeys.